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Freeware LISP library for Bricscad

Made in LITHUANIA Heart of the Baltics


Freeware KitoxLib LISP library for all versions of Bricscad (starting V8) for Windows and Linux.



  • kl:getini - returns a string from the specified section in the INI style file
  • kl:setini - sets a string into the specified section of the INI style file
  • kl:f2list - returns a list of strings (rows) from the specified text file
  • kl:remchar - removes specified symbols from the string and returns as list of strings
  • kl:left-trim - trims a string to the specified length
  • kl:revstr - reverses a string
  • kl:str2chlist - returns a list af characters from a string
  • kl:chlist2str - returns a string from a list of characters


Syntax and sample codes are included within download archive